Thursday, August 19, 2010

Does Anyone have advice for teaching myself how to tap dance?

I got advice from a friend to know how and i've gotten very good. Does anyone know anything that can make me even better...Does Anyone have advice for teaching myself how to tap dance?
You asked the right person. Well,I suggest taking a class because I wanted to know how to tap and then I took a class and now I know how to tap.Sorry I can't explain how to do steps cause you wouldn't understand the steps but here are some basic, easy types of moves. 4

Accelerando A gradual increasing of speed or tempo in music.

Accent A stress or special emphasis on a sound. The primary accent in music refers to the first beat of each measure.

Active Foot The free or working foot with the weight on the opposite or supporting foot.

Ad Lib To dance as one wishes without regard to a set pattern of movements-to improvise.

Allegro A musical term which means quick or lively.

Arsis Weak beat, or the unaccented part of a measure of music

Back Flap Same as the more commonly used term ';back brush step.';

Back Flap,

Heel Drop Same as the more commonly used term ';back brush step, heel drop.';

Balanc茅 A basic ballet movement swaying from one foot to the other. This movement is used in various forms in tap.

Back-Front Same as a ball change.

Ball Beat A dropping of the ball of the foot.

Ball Change A changing of the weight on the balls of the feet from one foot to the other; executed forward, to the side, or in place.

Ball Tap Same as ';Tap Ball.';

Bandy Twist A basic movement originated by Jim Bandy, a dancer of the vaudeville days.

Bar In common usage, a measure of music.

Barrel Roll,

Barrel Turn A complete turn of the body with the arms extended in a windmill fashion. With the weight on the L ft, extend the R foot back touching the floor (no wt). Lean extremely forward with the right hand practically touching the floor; the L arm is extended back overhead, both arms are in line with the shoulders. Execute a complete turn R, pivoting on the L in a backward motion. (R outside turn)

Beat The regularly recurring and periodically accented pulse or throb which constitutes the unit of measurement in all measured music; tempo.

Bells A clicking of the heels together while in the air:

Raise the L leg diagonally to the L side. Flex the knee of the R foot; leap into the air while clicking the heels together and land on the R foot. Movement may be executed to either side.

Black Bottom Dance craze of 1926 which followed the Charleston containing the African - American influence. Strictly a theatrical form of dance and rarely ever used in social dancing.I hope this onformation helps you with tap dancing.Goodluck and Ciao for now!!! ~~~~Victoria~~~~Does Anyone have advice for teaching myself how to tap dance?
Shiney black shoes with metal tabs on the heels and toes..
How can you teach yourself something you don't know how to do? That would be like me teaching myself how to fly an airplane...can't do it. Take a class!

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