Saturday, July 31, 2010

How can a friend (Bolivian but with Italian ancestry) can get free and risk-free legal advice in London?

He is currently in an illegal position and working under another identity. He would like to use his ancestry to apply and get an Italian passport as soon as possible, as it is not his intention to keep being illegal and risk deportation. Please help. Thanks!How can a friend (Bolivian but with Italian ancestry) can get free and risk-free legal advice in London?
He certainly needs legal advice. Any legal advisor is bound to keep his situation confidential. He can get free guidance from a Citizens Advice Bureau, Law Centre, or Immigration Advisory Service.

My understanding is that he could get Italian citizenship if he can show that he has at least one Italian-born grandparent. It may well be, however, that Italy would only accept application from a country where the applicant was legally living (this is the way the UK operates). He would certainly need evidence of his true identity (Bolivian passport), and the relevant birht certificates.How can a friend (Bolivian but with Italian ancestry) can get free and risk-free legal advice in London?
this is a joke isn't it?

he can go back to wherever he came from and try to get into this country legally - we don't need any more illegals and certainly not devious ones working under an assumed name

there is no such thing as free advice - the bill is probably picked up by the good old British tax payers when this legal aid is billed by the lawyers..........

i am sick of spongers coming here with their hands out - if you want him to have advice so much - perhaps you can pay

what a cheek!
maybe call the embussy
Why should he get free legal advice here, courtesy of our taxpayers? ****** off!
What a joke. Tell your friend to go back to Bolivia and if he gets an Italian passport he should work in Italy. Not here!!!!!!!!!!!
ask a lawyer

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