Sunday, July 25, 2010

Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with a jealous mother in law?

I am 5 months pregnant, and still feeling very sick! I require a lot of my husband's attention. My mother in law, is so jealous of this, that she will do anything she can to keep him away from me at night when I want him with me. He is too stupid to realize it, and I feel bad complaining about his own mother! He says I shouldn't require so much attention. And that he cannot be there to give me attention all the time. I feel I deserve all of his attention, since I am carrying his child! I am very emotional, and everytime we try to talk about it, I start to get too upset and cry. Don't I deserve his full attention? And why would his mother want to take that away from me to fulfill her own selfish needs? Am I overreacting, or should his free time be going to me?Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with a jealous mother in law?
So he goes home to mommy at night? What, does she still tuck him in and sing him a lullaby too? That makes no sense. He's married. She should respect that. It's not about attention, it's about him cutting the apron strings and becoming a man, soon to be a father himself.

On the other hand, if you are clinging and suffocating him, he may not want to come home to another fight/crying jag. Talk to him, tell him that a lot of this is the pregnancy hormones (because it is) and ask for understanding and quiet time with him before the baby comes.

Also, mama (in law) may be feeling like she is losing her baby. Her son is going to become a father, that takes a lot to get used to. Talk to her and say that you need your husband home.

Good luckDoes anyone have any advice on how to deal with a jealous mother in law?
both of you women sound like spoiled rotten brats. I pity your husband. He will never have any peace.
SAMANTHA, you sound bitter, why dont you go complain in your own question!!! Nasty!!
You are very right to want attention from your hubby right now...But, all of his attention and time is a little extreme, even when you are pregnant and feeling ill. The best solution is always compromise, so try to reach a compromise with your hubby and new mother in law, for example, perhaps you could establish some ground rules, that if you are sick and really require his attention, he give it to you...But if you are having a better day and just have time on your hands he will be able to use his free time to visit his mom, or whatever else he needs to do. But, again there probably just needs to be some ground rules laid out to avoid more and more conflicts.
i think his mother has problems and he needs to realize he is married and he is not a child anymore. he should be with you as much as possiable after all like you said you are carrying his child... good luck, and maybe you shoukld just starty spending more time with your mother ...
Maybe you are not being logical. You are asking for what you say his mother is getting ie all his attention. Both you and his Mom need to grow up. Its not a battle and if you keep whining about it to him he will get fed up of it and you will push him away even more often!

You are lucky that he comes home every night, just think of all the service wives who are lucky if they can chat with their loved ones once a week and see them once in 6 months!!!
Don't let her get the best of you. This is a common problem. Try to love her - you will win your husband's approval %26amp; either you %26amp; your mother in law will develop a good relationship or....maybe she'll leave you alone. She is wrong to try to come btw you %26amp; your husband. You come first %26amp; I hope that your husband is not confused about that. You can't demand that he feel that way...but ...if you just be calm %26amp; show her love. He will love you even more!
I have a WAY overbearing mother in law who tried to do that to me. I actually had to go see a counselor over it! Anyway, your husband married YOU and he needs to make sure that YOU are taken care of. That is not to say that he should abandon his mom, but his first priority should be you and his unborn child.

You need to help him to see that by very subtly pointing out ';Wow, your mom wants you over again?'; or something to that nature. Do not yell and scream or fight about it. Every time you fight with him about it, it pushes him even closer to HER.

He has no right to say how much attention that you need. You are carrying HIS child for goodness sake! He needs to grow up and cut the cord!
You're carrying his child, yes. It's very hard to communicate emotional situations when you're pregnant and your hormones are escalated. So you may have to write down your feelings. Tell him that you are his wife and you're going to bear his child. You need his support now and more so after the baby comes. Tell him that you're worried that if he's not here to give you that needed support now, you wonder if he'll be there for you when the baby comes. You can even suggest that he only have certain hours with his mom and the rest is time for you and his unborn child.
imagine if you found out you were pregnant and in a week, your husband had to leave for a year, like mine. then stop complaining

LEANNA, im just saying that people have it worse and she should be lucky that she has her man to take care of her when he does. imagine all the single mothers, then she should feel better about her situation.
You should have seen signs that this guy was a mama's boy before you married him. It appears she has him twisted around her finger.
he should be with u
Throw momma from the train.
You want his attention and she wants his attention.

Been there. I married too young and did not know how to handle it and we wound up splitting up.

I am now guessed it, I am going through it again. Thankfully I am older and much more wiser.

I usually hint that he (my husband) has other siblings, why does she always call him.

I also suggest, lovingly, that he needs to spend so quiet time and relax at night since he works so hard. (butter him up, don't nag)

If I feel she is being unreasonable I tell her myself she is infringing on my time with my husband.

You don't indicate if she has any other children. Or if she has a husband, to take care of what she needs done.

She does sound selfish, but the best thing for you is let her appear to be the unreasonable one.
Of course you deserve the attention. I think you are a little hormonal now and should try to write out your feelings so you dont cry when you talk about it. Find some good girlfriends to help you thru this.
this woman needs to get her head looked at, you're carrying her grandbaby, OMG! Tell him, you're pregnant, and that its NORMAL to need attention, and to suck it up. Your MIL needs to be considerate of you first sweetie, if she doesn't, screw her, and remind your husband that this baby will require a lot more work, and its best to help now.
Well, your pregnancy hormones are playing a part in this, it makes you a lot more emotional, easy to cry, etc, like PMS. I dno't think your husband can be there all the time but certainly should be there for you most of the time. Your MIL doesn't sound reasonable. But do keep in mind that the pregnancy hormones is making everything seem worse than it is. Hang in there!
HUGGYWELL, what are you talking about?? This has nothing to do with men in the service?

You deserve all of his attention, not his mother :)
yeah see thats a tricky situation my mother in law hates my guts too just because she canwhen my husband told her i was pregnant she called me a dumb@ss and im a grown woman im 22 years old and my husband dident even defend me.its his step mom so their not that close thank god!and yes, you do deserve his full attention my husband cooks for me and babys me to death and im 7 mths now i wont have it any other way and no woman should have to do crap while pregnant if they dont want to .i dident get the whole morning sickness thing i got lucky my husband got quesy instead!
No you're not over reacting. He should be there for you especially at night! Understandable it can't be during the day b/c of work and all but he should be spending most of his free time with you..NOT his mom. What a momma's boy......

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