Ive been giving him water and prune juice for his constipation but he hardly eats anything all day hell only eat well during his night time and early morning feedings during the day i try to feed him and he;ll start eating but than cry from pain that im assuming is gas pain. Hes four months old... He seems content as long as i dont try to feed him.My baby is too gassy and constipated to eat I need advice?
talk to the pediatrician, he might have a problem in his intestines or maybe his formula isn't right. I used to massage my daughter's stomach, it helped the gas to pass. My baby is too gassy and constipated to eat I need advice?
If it is constipation than kayo syrup all the way about a tsp of the syrup mixed with water and that should do the trick. I have been using it with my daughter who is now six months and have never been disappointed! Good luck i hope it works for you.
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