Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What are some advice that will definately 100% to make you grow tall?

What are some advice that will definately 100% to make you grow tall? IMPORTANT! I AM NOT GROWING TALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD AND BEST ADVICE PLEASE!What are some advice that will definately 100% to make you grow tall?
You might not like my advice, but here it is: there is nothing that is both 100% effective AND 100% safe. The best thing you can do is just accept it. I know how you feel, being short. I'm 23, 5'7';. My 2 best guy friends are 6'1'; and 6'5';. I look up at them all the time. But it doesn't mean I'm less of a man. There are lots of things I can beat them at. :PWhat are some advice that will definately 100% to make you grow tall?
Yeah, I'm smaller than most of my friends and they're all wussies, I could easily beat the crap out of them..but I wouldn't because even though they're wussies, they're still cool. :p

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Human Growth Hormone is a for sure deal, but you have to be having MAJOR growth problems before any doctor would give it to you. If you are just not as tall as your buddies, there is not much you can do. Good diet will certainly not hurt. Plenty of lean protein for growth!!
Start watching your diet and maybe working out a bit. You might have a growth burst later on when your growing up.

I know how you feel, I was the tallest in my class at school and now 7 years on most of my mates are a lot taller and I feel small cause I haven't grown.
You can not make yourself become tall. i heard thought that when you drink milk before you sleep, you get taller. that is just a myth though.
how tall we are is based on genetics if you have a lot of shorter family members its more likely that you wont be super tall. the best advice is just to except it and not try to change it you never know what putting chemicals in your body can do to you later in life.
do the superman stretch.
no advises will work for growing tall.

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