Monday, August 23, 2010

I want to be a pharmaceutical chemist and i need some advice; what should I major in?

There are a lot of choices for example: chemistry and pharmacy? or chemistry and medicine? some schools even have a pharmaceutical chemistry major. are those the crappy schools?I want to be a pharmaceutical chemist and i need some advice; what should I major in?
You should use the resources of your guidance office, assuming you are in high school. Find out the curriculum for the schools that have a pharmaceutical chemistry major. Get your guidance offices opinion on the schools. I'm sure that there is a web=page somewhere that has opinions on schools; track it down. I would guess that a chemistry and pharmaacy major also includes courses in medicine, and if not, you can take such couses as electives.

Good luck in your pursuits.I want to be a pharmaceutical chemist and i need some advice; what should I major in?
Major in chemistry. If pharmaceutical chem is offered, take that.
You will need chemistry, pharmaceutical and statistic knowledge.

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