Saturday, August 21, 2010

Where is the worst place that you can go to for advice when you are having issues with your dog/puppy?

Since I asked where are the best places to go, I felt I should give equal time to the worst places. So, what do you all think?Where is the worst place that you can go to for advice when you are having issues with your dog/puppy?
Honestly, the best and worst place people can get information is the Internet. The Internet is a wonderful resource, but never believe everything you read. We have had clients seriously put the life of their pet at risk from doing research on the Internet.

We had one client that gave their 3 day old kitten Pepto Bismal because she had diarrhea after reading a website that promised it would cure diarrhea and keep the kitten hydrated. Well, by the time the owner ran her into our clinic frantically it was too late. The Pepto is what killed the little bundle. I had the owner print out the web page and could not even believe the advice! This person who called himself a vet had very dangerous remedies for owners. Our vet contacted the web browser and had the page removed.

Another client read on the Internet to give their dog Advil for arthritis. They gave their 10 year old Siberian Husky 4 Advil and less than 10 minutes later she was seizing, vomiting, and had diarrhea. She was rushed into our clinic on a stretcher and we pronounced her dead on our surgery table. It was so tragic. All they had to do was call us and we would have talked to them about proper (and safe!) medications to treat arthritis. They literally poisoned their dog.

I could go on and on....Where is the worst place that you can go to for advice when you are having issues with your dog/puppy?
The worst, huh? Well, I would maybe say here on YA answers, but I think this is a great place for some questions, just not emergencies. I think this board is a great tool for less knowledgable people to find out if it is an emergency or not but if it is, they need to get to the vet!

I would also think that getting dog info from the average person is bad news since the average person doesn't know which end of the dog bites. Most people still think Iams is decent dog food, for crying out loud.
TV. I don't care which show you are watching. You could be watching the most awesome, most humane trainer in the world, and it would still be a terrible place to go for advice. Everyone's situation is different, TV leaves a LOT out that is edited for time, and you don't ever really learn everything necessary for success, or any of the caveats that may make the shown method not work, or not right for you and your dog. That plus for some reason people seem to think that anything they see on TV is true and is the only way to do things. I'm not sure what's up with that. You have to take everything with a grain of salt. Even the news is usually written with a bias toward entertainment value over complete facts.

The second worst place: someone with no credentials and little experience who hasn't really researched your issue, but who has just enough knowledge to sound like they know what they're talking about. People who know just enough to convince people with LESS knowledge that what they are telling them is the right way or the only way to fix their problem, and who are vain enough to believe that themselves.
Figured out a long time ago that my mind is a dangerous place to go alone.
The worst place to go for advice for serious issues would be Y!A hands down !

People need to get off their butt, away from the computer, and to the vet or trainer.
People who own pets for the wrong reasons

eg. Because Paris Hilton has one.

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