Sunday, July 25, 2010

Do you have any advice for after getting wisdom teeth removed?

I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed and I've gotten all of the literature as to what they reccomend, but I was wondering if anyone had some first-hand experience.

I'm getting all four done at once, if that changes anything.Do you have any advice for after getting wisdom teeth removed?
i had my wisdom teeth along with some others that got crushed by them extracted on Friday so 4 days ago now now depending if Ur having a local/Novocaine or a general and getting knocked out i got knocked out for the whole thing which was great coz i slept thru most of the pain that day and night. Make sure you have plenty of tissues handy for the drive home coz there is bound to be a lot of saliva and blood. Keep a bottle of water handy not a sports top but just a normal screw off lid type coz apparently the other kind are bad the same with straws. Make sure u eat something that night otherwise u could get a really bad sickening feeling in your stomach i suggest potato and gravy or instant pudding. Savacol is great its an antiseptic mouthwash dilute half water and half savacol to rinse your mouth out the following day after eating and drinking or smoking which ur not supposed to do for 7days coz it slows the healing process. I just recommend sleep and painkillers hopefully your getting it done on a Friday like i did so u can sleep all weekend and miss most of the pain. On the plus side after having 9 teeth removed in total the next night i was eating solid food again just in tiny pieces. Its nothing to be worried about as long as u take care of your mouth while healing like rinsing, brushing teeth can be painful for a few days but better than gross breath.Do you have any advice for after getting wisdom teeth removed?
Hi! :]

I just got all four wisdom teeth removed this morning at 10 AM! I'm actually feeling great right now (otherwise I wouldn't be on the computer). The main thing is to not be scared about it. There is NOTHING to be worried about. The way they did it to me was they gave me the IV (it was a butterfly needle- the kind they use on newborns and infants) and then after I was out was when they put the needle in my mouth to numb it. The most painful part was the tourniquet they wrap around the upper part of your arm, but after the needle's in they take that off so it's not even there for long. I'm saying all of this just in case you're scared of needles.

After that, you fall asleep pretty fast. Usually they'll tell you to count down from 100. But you probably won't make it past 97 or 96. Heh.

After that, they wake you up. For me, everything from my nose to my chin was numb when I woke up. My bottom lip down is still pretty numb (I think that they may have put the needle on the bottom of my mouth).

This may not apply to you, but the way mine were growing in, they were pretty much under my molars so the dentist had to cut around them. To avoid them coming out, he had to stitch them up. But these stitches are the kind that dissolve, thankfully. It would be very painful to have them removed, plus it's probably hard for the dentist to take them out.

As for side effects, the only thing you really need to worry about it dry socket. I wouldn't know anything about that, of course, but I'm not worried about it. And you shouldn't either. Especially if you're around my age. :] I'm 16. The younger you are, the less likely you are to have dry socket.
just make sure not to drink out of straws and to keep the area clean to prevent dry sockets. ice your mouth the first day to prevent swelling.

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