I'm beginning to work on a novel. This is my first real attempt at one. Anything important to keep in mind while writing it?Your best advice for someone writing a novel?
The best advice I can give you is this.
Just sit down and write.
Now, for further help..always tell your story as you want. don't be consistently asking if this is a good story line, plot or whatever. This shows that you don't really have an idea of what you want to write. Or you will get those who will hate your idea and tell you so, maybe influencing you not to write what you want. It's fine to ask what people think of a story..but don't plan your writing on whether people love it or not because you might only get a few who read it..then don't like it for some reason and you stop...missing out on writing the best thing anyone has every read! Read every critique with an open mind, even harsh ones. learn from them but don't cry over them. all writers, good or bad, get them at one time or another. I've sent stuff out, got refusals but only posted them on my wall. Still writing!
Remember when putting work out there to be read, even a rough draft, doesn't mean putting out misspellings and bad grammar. To get good feedback, people need to be able to read your work. They won't bother if they are confronted with a mass of bad grammar and misspellings, no paragraphs and mixed dialogue with other things. (Just critique one like that)
Always remember that the reader does not know what is in your mind..make sure things make sense, read them out loud if you have to. Be sure and do any research well. If your writing about a certain city, and use landmarks and such, be sure to know these places well. Readers will know and point those out as mistakes.
but the main ting is just write the story you want to tell. that is your job as a writer.
Just write!Your best advice for someone writing a novel?
Keep on writing. It may help to write down and create the setting, the characters (and the characters' back stories), and a rough sketch of what the plot is going to be. Many fantastic authors write without planning out the plot (Douglas Adams always made his stories up as he goes), but if this is your first novel, it'd be good to have an outline. This way, you have set goals to reach.
Also, if you want it to be a good novel, you'll prolly need to edit it 5 thousand times. Rough estimate.
Well firstly good luck and hope it goes well ;)
I'd say it's always best to write when you get inspiration and you feel like writing. So you get the best out of yourself.
Polish up on any areas you think you are weak in e.g. vocab, spelling or grammar
You don't always have to plan the full the novel as soon as you begin - just let it ... flow
They always say write for yourself- read in the view of yourself not another reader
And they also say 'Show not tell'
Um, what else? I suggest you take the 'Mary Sue' test for characters- you would not want one of those
You should try and make an interesting beginning, something that will grab the readers attention
That's all I have for now
Hope I helped
Have a background to all the characters (even if it's basic or vague) to give them another dimension. But don't give the reader too much information too quickly. Keep the characters in character, don't suddenly change a shy character to a loud one etc. Make sure you spread out the plot so it isn't all told in the first few chapters.
Good luck =D
1) Keep your characters believable! In all ways! Make them react real. If you have to observe kids to see how a kid would react, do it.
2) DON'T FORGET TO RE-WRITE!!!! I wrote my first novel in 1st person and realized I didn't like it. Yes, I re-wrote the entire 400 page book in 3rd person. AND I've re-written different parts since then too. You have to re-write. Even if you like some parts, if they're not for the greater good, take them out.
3) Give enough description to keep the reader interested, but don't go over the top.
-Point of view
-give the character personality, make them real as you can, b-days, middle names, etc. stuff that may or may not make it into the book.
-write it all the way through before you read it
-make sure the tense stays the same.
-write down all the main things so you don't forget them later.
if i think of anything else, ill email you.
Good luck
Keep your characters real, don't write things that aren't their personality. Write as much as you can (at first it might take you a while to write a lot, but don't worry, it will get better) and develop the plot. :)
Shoot yourself while you're still happy. (Thanks to Dorothy Parker).
Actually the best advice is to read a ton of whatever kind of book you're thinking of writing. Go to the library and get recommendations.
Write every day. Force yourself to get SOMETHING down on paper, even if it's cr*p. You need a first draft before you can perfect it into a well-written novel.
Write a lot and read a lot .
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